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Ancient of Days

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

City Alight
Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson,
Michael Farren, Jesse Reeves
[Key: A]

Verse 1
Though the nations rage,
Kingdoms rise and fall,
There is still one King
Reigning over all.
So I will not fear,
For this truth remains:
That my God is
The Ancient of Days.

None above Him,
None before Him,
All of time in His hands,
For His throne it
Shall remain, and ever stand.
All the power, all the glory
I will trust in His name,
For my God is
The Ancient of Days.

Verse 2
Though the dread of night
Overwhelms my soul,
He is here with me
I am not alone.
Oh, His love is sure,
And He knows my name,
For my God is,
The Ancient of Days.

None above Him,
None before Him
All of time in His hands.
For His throne it
Shall remain and ever stand.
All the power, all the glory,
I will trust in His name,
For my God is
The Ancient of Days.

Verse 3
Though I may not see
What the future brings,
I will watch and wait
For the Savior King.
Then my joy complete,
Standing face to face,
In the presence
Of the Ancient of Days.

None above Him,
None before Him
All of time in His hands
For His throne it
Shall remain and ever stand.
All the power, all the glory,
I will trust in His name,
For my God is
The Ancient of Days.

For my God is
The Ancient of Days.

Scripture Songs Return to Index

Psalm 34 (Tell His Praise)

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith
Tune: Jesus, What A Friend for Sinners
“Hyfrydol” by R.H. Prichard
[Key: Db]

Verse 1
Tell His praise in song and story,
Bless the Lord with heart and voice;
In my God is all my glory,
Come before Him and rejoice.
Join to praise His Name together,
He who hears His people’s cry;
Tell His praise, come wind or weather,
Shining faces lifted high.

Verse 2
To the Lord whose love has found them
Cry the poor in their distress;
Swift His angels camped around them
Prove Him sure to save and bless.
God it is who hears our crying
Though the spark of faith be dim;
Taste and see! Beyond denying
Bless’d are those who trust in Him.

Verse 3
Taste and see! In faith draw near Him,
Trust the Lord with all your powers;
Seek and serve Him, love and fear Him,
Life and all its joys are ours:
True delight in holy living,
Peace and plenty, length of days;
Come, my children, with thanksgiving
Bless the Lord in songs of praise!

Verse 4
In our need He walks beside us,
Ears alert to every cry;
Watchful eyes to guard and guide us,
Love that whispers `It is I.’
Good shall triumph, wrong be righted,
God has pledged His promised word;
So with ransomed saints united
Join to praise our living Lord!

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Jesus Strong and Kind

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

City Alight
Rich Thompson, Jonny Robinson,
Michael Farren, Colin Buchanan

Verse 1
Jesus said
That if I thirst,
I should come to Him.
No one else can satisfy,
I should come to Him.

Verse 2
Jesus said
If I am weak,
I should come to Him.
No one else can be my strength,
I should come to Him.

For the Lord is good and faithful,
He will keep us day and night!
We can always run to Jesus!
Jesus, strong and kind.

Verse 3
Jesus said
That if I fear,
I should come to Him.
No one else can be my shield,
I should come to Him.

For the Lord is good and faithful,
He will keep us day and night!
We can always run to Jesus!
Jesus, strong and kind.

Verse 4
Jesus said if I am lost
He will come to me.
And He showed me on that cross,
He will come to me.

For the Lord is good and faithful,
He will keep us day and night!
We can always run to Jesus!
Jesus, strong and kind.

For the Lord is good and faithful,
He will keep us day and night!
We can always run to Jesus!
Jesus, strong and kind,
Jesus, strong and kind!

Hymns Return to Index

We Will Glorify

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

By Twila Paris
[Key of C, Db]

Verse 1
We will glorify the King of Kings,
We will glorify the Lamb!
We will glorify the Lord of Lords,
Who is the great I AM!

Verse 2
Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty,
We will bow before His throne!
We will worship Him in righteousness,
We will worship Him alone!

[*Wait for Key Change*]

Verse 3
He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth,
He is Lord of all who live!
He is Lord above the universe,
All praise to Him we give!

Verse 4
Hallelujah to the King of Kings,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords
Who is the great I AM!

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Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Matt Boswell and Matt Papa
Key: A

Verse 1
Christ the sure and steady Anchor
In the fury of the storm!
When the winds of doubt blow through me,
And my sails have all been torn,
In the suffering, in the sorrow,
When my sinking hopes are few,
I will hold fast to the Anchor
It shall never be removed.

Verse 2
Christ the sure and steady Anchor
While the tempest rages on.
When temptation claims the battle,
And it seems the night has won,
Deeper still then goes the Anchor!
Though I justly stand accused,
I will hold fast to the Anchor
It shall never be removed.

Verse 3
Christ the sure and steady Anchor
Through the floods of unbelief.
Hopeless, somehow, oh my soul now,
Lift your eyes to calvary!
This my ballast of assurance
See His love forever proved!
I will hold fast to the Anchor
It shall never be removed.

Verse 4
Christ the sure and steady Anchor
As we face the wave of death.
When these trials give way to glory,
And we draw our final breath,
We will cross that great horizon,
Clouds behind and life secure,
And the calm will be the better,
For the storms that we endure.

Christ the Sure of our Salvation,
Ever faithful, ever true!
We will hold fast to the Anchor,
It shall never be removed.

Hymns Return to Index

Hymn of Heaven

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Phil Wickham

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
And death shall be no more,
Neither shall there be mourning,
Nor crying, nor pain anymore,
For the former things have passed away.”
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
Who was and is and is to come!”
Revelation 21:3-4, 4:8

Verse 1
How I long to breathe the air of Heaven,
Where pain is gone and mercy fills the streets,
To look upon the One who bled to save me,
And walk with You for all eternity.

There will be a day
When all will bow before You!
There will be a day
When death will be no more!
Standing face to face,
With You, who died and rose again.
Holy, holy are You Lord!

Verse 2
And every prayer we prayed in desperation,
The songs of faith,
We sang through doubt and fear
In the end, we’ll see that it was worth it,
When You return to wipe away our tears!

There will be a day
When all will bow before You!
There will be a day
When death will be no more!
Standing face to face,
With You, who died and rose again.
Holy, holy are You Lord!

Verse 3
And on that day, we join the resurrection
And stand beside the heroes of the faith.
With one voice, a thousand generations
Sing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!”

And on that day, we join the resurrection
And stand beside the heroes of the faith.
With one voice, a thousand generations
Sing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!”

Forever You shall reign!

Chorus 2
So let it be today
We shout the Hymn of Heaven!
With angels and the Saints,
We raise a mighty roar!
Glory to our God,
Who gave us life beyond the grave!
Holy, holy are You Lord!

Chorus 2
So let it be today
We shout the Hymn of Heaven!
With angels and the Saints,
We raise a mighty roar!
Glory to our, God,
Who gave us life beyond the grave!

Holy, holy are You Lord!
Holy, holy are You Lord!

Hymns Return to Index

Agnus Dei

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Michael W. Smith

“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.” -Rev 19:6
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” -Rev 4:8
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain” -Rev 5:12

[Key: F]

Verse 1
Alleluia, Alleluia,
For the Lord God Almighty reigns.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
For the Lord God Almighty reigns.


Holy are You, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy is the Lamb!

You are holy!

Holy are You, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy is the Lamb!

Verse 2
Alleluia, Alleluia,
For the Lord God Almighty reigns.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
For the Lord God Almighty reigns.


Holy are You, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy is the Lamb!

You are holy!

Holy are You, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy is the Lamb!

You are holy!


Holy are You, Lord God Almighty!
Worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy is the Lamb!

Transpose up

Agnus Dei

Version 1.0, 6/3/2023
Artist: Michael W. Smith

Verse 1
luia, for the Lord God Almighty  
luia, for the Lord God Almighty  
Holy, are Y
d God  
Worthy is the  
Lamb, worthy is the Lamb
For You are H
y, are You
Worthy is the  
Lamb, worthy is the Lamb,  

Hymns Return to Index

King of Love (New)

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Verses: Sir Henry Williams Baker (1868)
Chorus and Music: Stu Garrard, Stephanie Kulla, Matthew Hein, Adam Palmer, Jonathan L Smith

[Key: A]

Verse 1
The King of Love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never.
I nothing lack if I am His,
And He is mine forever.

Verse 2
Where streams of living water flow,
My ransomed soul He leadeth;
And where the verdant pastures grow,
With food celestial feedeth.

Never failing, Ruler of my heart.
Everlasting, Lover of my soul!
On the mountain high
Or in the valley low,
The King of Love my Shepherd is!
The King of Love my Shepherd is!

Verse 3
Lost and foolish, oft I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me;
And on His shoulder gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

Verse 4
In death’s dark vale I fear no ill,
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.

Never failing, Ruler of my heart!
Everlasting, Lover of my soul!
On the mountain high
Or in the valley low,
The King of Love my Shepherd is!

Never failing, Ruler of my heart.
Everlasting, Lover of my soul!
On the mountain high
Or in the valley low,
The King of Love my Shepherd is!
The King of Love my Shepherd is!

Verse 5
So through all the length of days,
Thy goodness faileth never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise,
Within Thy house forever.
Within Thy house forever.

Hymns Return to Index

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Jordan Kauflin,
Matt Merker & Matt Papa
[Key: D]

Verse 1
What is our hope in life and death?
Christ alone, Christ alone.
What is our only confidence?
That our souls to Him belong.

Who holds our days within His hand?
What comes, apart from His command?
And what will keep us to the end?
The love of Christ, in which we stand.

O sing hallelujah!
Our hope springs eternal;
O sing hallelujah!
Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death!

Verse 2
What truth can calm the troubled soul?
God is good, God is good.
Where is His grace and goodness known?
In our great Redeemer’s blood.

Who holds our faith when fears arise?
Who stands above the stormy trial?
Who sends the waves that bring us nigh
Unto the shore, the rock of Christ?

O sing hallelujah!
Our hope springs eternal;
O sing hallelujah!
Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death!

Verse 3
Unto the grave, what shall we sing?
“Christ, He lives; Christ, He lives!”
And what reward will heaven bring?
Everlasting life with Him.

There we will rise to meet the Lord,
Then sin and death will be destroyed,
And we will feast in endless joy,
When Christ is ours forevermore.

O sing hallelujah!
Our hope springs eternal;
O sing hallelujah!
Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death!

O sing hallelujah!
Our hope springs eternal;
O sing hallelujah!
Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death!

©2020 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Messenger Hymns (BMI) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI) / Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) / Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP) / adm at CCLI # 7147502

Hymns Return to Index

Is He Worthy?

Piano Only

With Vocals (Congregation)

Andrew Peterson,  Ben Shive
[Key: A]

Verse 1

[Men] Do you feel the world is broken?
     [Ladies] We do.

[Men] Do you feel the shadows deepen?
      [Ladies] We do.

[Men] But do you know that all the dark won’t
              Stop the light from getting through?
     [Ladies] We do.

[Men] Do you wish that you could
             See it all made new?
     [Ladies] We do.

Verse 2

[Ladies] Is all creation groaning? 
        [Men] It is.

[Ladies] Is a new creation coming?
      [Men] It is.

[Ladies] Is the glory of the Lord to be
               The light within our midst?
      [Men] It is.

[Ladies] Is it good that we remind
                   Ourselves of this?
     [Men] It is.

Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave!
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave.

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory,
Is He worthy of this?
He is.

Verse 3

[Men] Does the Father truly love us?
     [Ladies] He does.

[Men] Does the Spirit move among us?
     [Ladies] He does.

[Men] And does Jesus, our Messiah
              Hold forever those He loves?
     [Ladies] He does.

[Men] Does our God intend
               To dwell again with us?
     [Ladies] He does.

Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave!
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From every people and tribe,
Every nation and tongue,
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God
To reign with the Son!

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?

He is! He is!

Is He worthy? Is He worthy?

He is! He is!

He is worthy! He is worthy!
He is!