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When Morning Gilds the Skies

  • Piano
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German Melody, 1744
[Key: G]

Verse 1
When morning gilds the skies
My heart awaking cries:
Let Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer,
To Jesus I repair:
Let Jesus Christ be praised!

Verse 2
Does sadness fill my mind?
A solace here I find,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss?
My comfort still is this,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!

Verse 3
To God, the Word, on high,
The host of angels cry,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!
Let mortals, too, upraise
Their voice in shouts of praise,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!

Verse 4
When sleep her rest denies,
My silent spirit sighs,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!
When evil thoughts molest,
With this I shield my breast,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!

Verse 5
In Heav’n’s eternal bliss
The loveliest strain is this,
Let Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear
When this sweet chant they hear:
Let Jesus Christ be praised!

Verse 6
Sing, suns and stars of space,
Sing, ye that see His face,
Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!
God’s whole creation o’er,
For now and evermore
Shall Jesus Christ be praised!