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Psalm 111 (I Thank the Lord)

  • Piano
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Words: David P.Regier
Tune: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
“Landas” by A. Gretry
[Key: Eb]

Verse 1
I thank the Lord with all my heart,
And sing with the upright;
How great the works of God Most High;
They are His saints’ delight.
In splendor and in majesty,
His works forever stand,
And precious in our memory
The wonders of His hand.

Verse 2
His bounty free to those who fear;
His promise, their supply.
And He shall keep His covenant
Unto them for all time.
His pow’r made known unto His own,
The people of His word;
His promise, their inheritance:
The nations of the earth.

Verse 3
The work of God is faithfulness,
The work of His own hand.
His precepts, true and ever sure,
Forever they shall stand.
He sends redemption by His word,
Eternally ordained
To all the ones He calls His own,
For holy is His name.

Verse 4
The fear and rev’rence of the Lord,
The place of wisdom’s birth;
All truth and understanding rest
With those who keep His word.
Let every heart be lifted up,
And every voice be raised
Unto the Lord, our God Most High,
In everlasting praise!