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Psalm 24 (The Earth is The Lord’s)

  • Piano
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Words: David P. Regier
Tune: O Worship the King
“Lyons” by Joseph Martin Krause 1756-1792
[Key: D]

Verse 1
The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains;
The world, and all those who dwell on its plains.
Upon the dark seas, its foundations are laid;
And deep in the rivers, its moorings are stayed.

Verse 2
And who shall ascend the hill of the Lord,
Or who, then, shall stand at rest in His ward:
The one with clean hands and the purest of heart,
Who speaks not in vain, nor a falsehood imparts.

Verse 3
This one shall from God His blessing receive;
And righteousness be His gracious reprieve.
To all generations who seek for His face,
Almighty Jehovah shall pour out His grace.

Verse 4
O rise, ancient doors! Be lifted, ye gates!
And welcome your King; prepare His estate!
And who is this King, in His glorious might?
The Lord firm in battle and strong in the fight.

Verse 5
O lift up your heads, ye portals of old!
And welcome your King; His glory behold!
And who can it be, this our glorious King?
The Lord God of hosts, whose great glory we sing!