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Psalm 144 (I’ll praise the Lord)

  • Piano
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Words: Peter Ninnis
Tune: This is My Father’s World
“Terra Beata” by Franklin L. Sheppard, 1915
[Key: Bb]

Verse 1
I’ll praise the Lord, my rock
Who trains my hands for war;
Who is my loving God and shield,
And my deliverer.
Yet we are weak, and fail,
No stronger than a breath;
Lord, what is man, so small, so frail,
And shadowed deep by death?

Verse 2
Now part Your heav’ns, Lord,
Come down and show Your might;
Unveil the latent pow’r of God
In nature’s storm and light.
Descend in this dark hour
To scatter all deceit.
Revive Your work! Reveal Your pow’r,
And lying schemes defeat.

Verse 3
And, while we wait on God
For His restoring grace,
The new song planted in our soul
Awakes to His glad praise.
You are the King of Kings,
Our strong security;
Deliver us from those who lie,
And set Your servant free!

Verse 4
Then mercy great shall flow,
Our children’s faith increase;
Our sheep and cattle multiply,
Our harvests grow in peace.
No cries shall haunt our streets,
No threats of fire or sword—
How bless’d the land that knows such rest,
Whose people know the Lord!